Hamuro mAiR ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー

つき — 月と音の鳴り響き


Marja Ahti — Hamuro mAiR Commemorative Awara Performance






The mid-autumn moon (tsuki) – shining in the sky and swaying on the lake – will meet the art of sounds,
pounding (tsuki) and creating the world.

Cutting through the darkness and springing up new sensations.

Bring out your inner strength, expand your minds to a yet unseen world.


Set by the edge of a lake, tsuki is an exquisite event that combines the tradition of harvest moon-viewing and contemporary sound art.


18:30 開場
19:00 開演
20:30 終演予定




Marja Ahti(マリヤ・アフティ)





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  • 終演時に出演者に対する Tipping(寄贈金)を受け付けます。
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  • 駐車場は北潟湖畔公園 駐車場(サイクリングパークの近く)または北潟多目的駐車場(道を挟んで「あわら北潟温泉hanaゆらり」の向かい)をご利用ください。
  • 夜間で周辺は暗くなっています。足元等に十分お気をつけてご来場ください。

注意事項 ※必ずお読みください


  • 未成年の方は必ず保護者同伴でご来場ください。また、保護者の方は必ずお子様にお付き添いください。
  • 迷惑行為・危険行為はおやめください。
  • 喫煙はおやめください。また、演奏中の飲食はお控えください。
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  • そのほか公園の利用ルールを守ってください。




「吾が心 秋月に似たり 碧潭清うして 皎潔たり」


「あかあかや あかあかあかや あかあかや  あかあかあかや あかあかや月」


それはまるで、サウンド・アートが世界を搗き(つき)揺らし、 月光に染まった音色の一つ一つが、私たち一人一人の中で共鳴し始めるよう。

時を忘れ、心解き放たき、新しい 情景が立ち現れる――――湖面に浮かぶ名月が音色に導かれるまま、いつのまにか、私たちの心の中に移り住むファンタジーを連想させます。 澄んだ月を心に住まわすことを比喩したのか、法然上人(1133–1212)は「月影のいたらぬ里はなけれども ながむる人の心にぞすむ」と歌に信条を託した。


「阿弥陀には 隔つる心はなけれども ふたある水に月は宿らじ」


2024年、中秋の名月―――全てを分け隔てなく照らす光とアーティストの感性が私たちの中で響き合い、日常が被せた心のふたをそっとずらす。―――「ながむる人」となり、心月が世界を照らし返す。――― そんな可能性を秘めた「つき」。


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There is only one moon in the world.

Nevertheless, it illuminates everything, and as such, the moon has been written about, drawn, projected, and admired since ancient times.

The full moon in particular presents a particularly vivid scene, and at the same time, it has been seen as a spiritual symbol.

"My heart is like the autumn moon, clear and pure in the blue pond."

This is a poem by the Tang dynasty monk Hanshan, who likens his own clear state of mind to "the harvest moon reflected on the clear blue water."

In Japan, the glow of the moon is called the light of the Buddha, or 月影 tsukikage = moon shadow, and has appeared as a metaphor for the Buddhist concept of "compassion."

"Akaakaya akaakaakaya akaakaya akaakaya akaakaakaya akaakaakaya akaakaakaya moon"

It was Myoe Shonin (1173-1232) who expressed the moonlight with rhythmic sounds. It is a poem that sounds as if one is basking in the moonlight while savoring every sound.

At the tsuki event, which is held under the moonlight, artists will transform the "indications of the world" with a combination of tactile sounds, and connect us to the moon in a new way. The Fukui local sound unit Matsumura Tadanao + Yoshikawa Takenori will combine rhythm, melody and overtones to improvise with the harvest moon, inviting us to a world without discrimination. While Finland's Marja Ahti will beautifully break the world of silence with her "sound collage," she draws out our ability to hear and feel more than usual with delicate sound composition, providing an opportunity for new scenery to be born.

It is as if sound art is pounding (tsuki) the world, and each sound, saturated with moonlight, begins to resonate within each of us.

We forget time, free our minds, and new scenery emerge—it evokes the fantasy of the full moon floating on the surface of a lake, guided by the sound, unnoticeably moving into our hearts.

Perhaps as a metaphor for letting the clear moon reside in our hearts, Honen Shonin (1133–1212) entrusted his belief to a song, saying, "There is no village where the moonlight does not shine, but it resides in the hearts of those who gaze upon it."

In a similar vein, Dogen Zenji (1200–1253), founder of Eiheiji Temple, described the sensation of gazing up at the large, shining moon in the night sky and letting it reside in one's heart as "gazing at the moon in one's heart in the vast sky."

While “looking“ at the moon in the sky, "gazing at the moon of the heart" focuses on the connections spreading within your heart.

It is different from the moon we watch, but it is a “ mind-moon (心月shin-getsu)” suspended in mid-air, where there is no separation between yourself and the world.

This moon is connected to the image of the moon reflected gently on the surface of the water in your heart, as expressed in the poem by Rennyo Shonin (1415-1499), who is associated with Yoshizaki:

"Although Amida Buddha has no discriminating heart, the moon does not dwell on the covered water.”

Rennyo Shonin must have also gazed the moon floating on Lake Kitagatako 500 years ago.

The harvest moon in 2024——the light that shines on everything without discrimination and the artist's sensibility resonate within us, gently lifting the covers on our hearts that our daily lives have placed on.——Become a "gazing person" and let the Shingetsu reflect back upon the world.——tsuki holds such potential.

What colours of sound do we express?

~–~–~–~–~~–~–~–~–~~–~–~–~–~~–~ ~–~–~~–~– ~–~–~~ –~–~–~–~ ~–~–
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~–~ –~~–~–~ –~–~~–~–~


"Sound art" is an art form that allows for a high degree of freedom in interpretation, and does not require complex explanations or understanding to enjoy, and is suitable for all ages and experience levels. This is a great opportunity for people who have never experienced it before, and families with children to enjoy it as well.

If the weather is fine, the moon viewing performance will take place on the shores of Lake Kitagatako in Echizen Kaga Coast Quasi-National Park. If it rains, the performance will take place in the calm tatami hall of Yoshizaki Betsuin (Higashi Betsuin), which is associated with Rennyo. In either case, we hope to make this event even more enjoyable by offering handmade moon-viewing rice dumplings made with local sweet potatoes, and Japanese pampas grass, and by expressing gratitude for the various "blessings and gifts” that have been bestowed upon us.

本公演はHamuro mAiR(ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー)の活動の1つとして実行しています。