Hamuro-kai (Hamuro Associates)
We Hamuro-kai are a small group of three members who operate out of an artist house named Hamuro.
Taking advantage of our size, its agility and individuality/perspectives, we can plan and coordinate the creation of “places” that bear new dialogues and new connections through collaborations with various specialists — transcending barriers and generations.
Cherishing the connections with people and the "inspiration" that we all have, we want to try to set "new combinations" that can enrich the characteristics of the things we involve with and the personality/creativity of people. We wish to unfold "new perspectives, new enjoyments, and new values” — organically — with the power of place of Hamuro that can give rise to the creativity of those who get connected with.
Looking forward to the collaborations.
- Shoji Kato (Contemporary Art) #ShojiKato / www.shoji-kato.com
- Masateru Yoshimura (Design/Education) @hutte77di / masa.na7.jp
- Hiroaki Kajiura (Architecture) @kajiuraarchitect / kajiura-a.com
- 加藤将司(美術・現代アート) #ShojiKato / www.shoji-kato.com
- 吉村正照(デザイン・教育) @hutte77di / masa.na7.jp
- 梶浦博昭(建築) @kajiuraarchitect / kajiura-a.com
Hamuro Micro Residency (Hamuro mAiR)
Hamuro Micro Residency (Hamuro mAiR) was born out of a marriage of an artist house Hamuro located in Kanaz Forest of Creation Art Museum in Awara, Fukui and an inspiration of a contemporary artist Shoji Kato (www.shoji-kato.com) who succeeded and is passing on Hamuro to the future.
This project was started in May 2024 and welcomes many residents for next two years with a support from Kone Foundation (FI). Its experimental operation aims to promote inter-local connections and personal linkages.
The reason for the name of “micro” comes from the fact that its operator is small as Kato is the only administer, and is sustained by a small number of passionate volunteers and collaborators, and that Hamuro mAiR primarily committed to provide personal “coordinations and connections” tailored to the needs of each residents.
It is a small start however this project will be sensitively and dynamically exploring the worlds — discovering and creating new relationships among the residents from Finland and the locals of Japan.
We wish to extend the possibilities for creating the future by looking at and doing with the world from micro perspective, deploying the sensitivities and imagination of each person involved, and by linking dialogues and inspirations.
ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー(Hamuro mAiR)
ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー(Hamuro mAiR)は、あわら市金津創作の森にある葉室(はむろ)という屋号を持ったアーティストの家と、それを未来に受け継ぐアーティストの加藤将司(www.shoji-kato.com)の発案が結びつくことで生まれました。
The Concept of Hamuro mAiR
Hamuro is the name of this project and of a house that will be used as the base for a social and cultural experimentation – co-evolving with artistic ideas and personal changes. It takes an operation of a micro-Artists-in-Residence (mAiR) in Japan that facilitates unique (mental/physical) journeys, local interactions and tranquil times of a number of invited artists and researchers. By providing this foreign but common place, this project observes if the personal discoveries of the residents and other people who would be involved in this project gradually co-create a meta-forum and a body of peers which can continuously encourage dialogues and adaptations.
Can we give a new life to Hamuro and can we make it to be an inspiring place for both personal but collective innovations? Can the project co-explore new knowledge and sensitivity unique to Japanese culture that influence on how we re-acknowledge subtle but vital life elements running through not only among humans but also with non-humans relationships?
Can the project speculate and dream how those subtle changes can resonate and stimulate in both cultural and social realms of Japan and Finland?
ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー のコンセプト
葉室とはこのプロジェクトの名前であり、芸術的アイディアや個人の変化と共に展開する ― 社会的・文化的実験の拠点として使用される家の名前です。このプロジェクトは、日本・あわら市でのマイクロ・アーティスト・イン・レジデンス(mAiR)の運営を伴い、滞在活動するアーティストや研究者各自に独特な(精神的/物理的)旅、地域的な交流、静謐な時間を提供をしています。異文化が交差する葉室という共通の場所を提供することで、この葉室プロジェクトに参加するレジデンツ、そして交流する地域の人々の個人的な発見が、時間をかけて繋がり、メタ・フォーラム(話し合いの場)、「継続的な対話と適応ができるグループ」に発展していく様を考察しています。