Hamuro mAiR ハムロ・マイクロ・レジデンシー

Setting and Rising


Marja Ahti — Hamuro mAiR Commemorative Fukui Performance





これまでにない芸術鑑賞イベントSetting and Risingをお楽しみください。

The world and the everyday spring up anew.

The art of traditional tea meets the art of contemporary confectionery,
sukiya-zukuri architecture with a scenic garden and the art of sounds resonate with each other.

The dusking sky,
imbuing a gentle atmosphere,
we enjoy appreciating beautifully crafted arts and feeling an unfurling new sensitivity.

It draws out our inner power and connects us to the richness of the world anew.

Setting and Rising – it’s an unprecedented art event, presenting such potentiality.


16:30 開場
17:00 開演


名勝 養浩館庭園


Marja Ahti(マリヤ・アフティ)





  • 本公演中に「表千家同門会福井長生会」と「昆布屋孫兵衛」のコラボレーションによる茶会を開催します。
  • 事前申込制・先着順(20名限定)となります。
  • 料金:2,400円(当日お支払い現金のみ/おつりが出ないようご協力願います)。
  • お申し込みいただいた時刻に関わらず、17時までに受け付け・お支払いを完了してください。




東京「オーボン・ヴュータン」「ピエール・エルメ サロン・ド・テ」、フランス「ラトリエ ・ド・ジョエル・ロブション」など、名だたる洋菓子店で修行を重ね、帰国後は「アングラン」にてシェフパティシエを務める。二〇二三年に帰福後、二四一年の歴史を持つ和菓子店「昆布屋孫兵衛」の十七代目として店舗をリニューアルオープンし、和菓子・洋菓子の垣根なく福井を感じられるお菓子を考案し提供している。

  • https://www.instagram.com/tomo.kombu/
  • 特別展示「松村コレクション」

    松村忠祀(1936 - 2018)





    タイトルのSetting and Risingが示すものは様々な動きと状況。例えば、養浩館から楽しめる夕日や月などの「天体の動き」とそれを見る人の「立ち位置」。もしくはこのイベントの「背景」と「立ち現れ」。そして養浩館の名前にちなむ「浩然の気を養う」といった「力と心の働き」や、私たちを取り巻く状況や情動などにおける「変動性」とも関連しています。




    「サウンド・アート」――― 解釈の自由度が大きい芸術様式で、楽しむには言葉による説明や理解は不必要、年齢も経験値も不問なので、これまでサウンド・アートを体験をされたことのない方もこの機会に是非お越しください。アーティストを交えてお話しを楽しめる時間も設定しておりますので、皆様のご参加をいただき、このイベントをより味わい深いものにできれば幸いです。

    Yokokan Garden, a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty, was built in the Edo Period and was used for relaxation and welcoming guests by the Matsudaira family, the feudal lords of Echizen Fukui, for about 400 years until the early Showa Period. The Yokokan Garden, built in the Sukiya style and beautifully rebuilt in 1993, has been meticulously restored down to the fine detail. From the tatami room adjacent to the pond, you can still enjoy the water scenery in all seasons at the same eye level as the successive feudal lords.

    Located in the city, it is a place that invites you on a journey of time-forgetfulness. With the help of this "power of place" that frees the mind and stimulates the imagination, this event will intersect various things, weave in new contexts, and provide an opportunity to start anew in the familiar world and everyday life.

    The title Setting and Rising refers to various movements and situations. For example, the "movement of celestial bodies" such as the sunset and moon that can be enjoyed from Yokokan and the "standing position" of the person watching them. Or the "background" and "emergence" of this event. It is also related to the “energy and the working of the mind" of "cultivating a spirit of magnanimity" that is the name of Yokokan, and the "variability" of the situations and emotions that surround us.

    The movement that immerses, emerges, and rises. This is also connected to the sound world/performance of Mariya Ahti, a sound artist whose sound continues to sway like waves. In response to the sensitivity/worldview that overflows from Ahti’s work, Matsumura Tadanao + Yoshikawa Takenori sound unit from Fukui will perform an improvisational performance (on the day of the event, the opposite will be true, with Ahti performing after the Matsumura + Yoshikawa unit).

    The sound-art reflects the "movements" of the world and the "seasonality" of our times, and to enhance their sensation, the venue will host a premium tea ceremony hosted by the Omotesenke Domonkai Fukui Chosei-kai, which continues the traditions of the tea ceremony, and Konbu Tomonari, the 17th generation owner of Konbuya Magobei, who is pioneering new horizons in Japanese sweets.

    In order to connect the thoughts of the late Tadanori Matsumura (father of Tadanao Matsumura), who left behind the words, "Art is the moment of 'now' and leads to a rich future," this event will feature artworks carefully selected from the Matsumura Collection. Along with the objects loved by the connoisseur, we would like to reflect on the richness that each of us has been given and inherited, and the "richness that is born now."

    "Sound art" is an art form that has a high degree of freedom in interpretation, and does not require verbal explanation or understanding to enjoy it, and it is open to all ages and levels of experience, so even if you have never experienced sound art before, please take this opportunity. There will also be time set aside for conversation with the artists and other guests, so we hope to welcome you and make this event even more enjoyable together.


    • 入場時に、養浩館庭園入園料220円をお支払いください(中学生以下、70歳以上、障害者手帳提示者および介護者1名は無料)。
    • 公演は入園料のみで鑑賞いただけます。
    • 御座敷での鑑賞は事前申込制・先着順(40名限定)となります。
    • 終演時に出演者に対する Tipping(寄贈金)を受け付けます。
    • このイベントは非営利団体と皆様のご協力で成り立つ文化事業のため、任意の金額で皆様のお心遣いをお願いいたします。

    注意事項 ※必ずお読みください

    • 開演時刻を過ぎても高い気温が予想されます。養浩館にはエアコンがありませんので熱中症対策をご用意ください。
    • 開場から19時までの間は一般の方も入場されます(本イベントの貸し切りではありません)
    • 周辺の駐車場には限りがあります。できるだけ公共交通をご利用ください。
    • 車椅子ご利用などで補助が必要なかたは事前に福井市文化振興課(0776-20-5367/平日午前8時30分~午後5時15分)までお問い合わせください。
    • 養浩館の観賞ルールを厳守願います。